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Showing posts from October, 2013

Plans and Exciting News!

                                                                       Hello!           Well, I know that it's been a while since I've written, but I was waiting for answers and now I finally have some!       There have many ideas tossed around, but I came to the conclusion that I should not rent, but build a place for the library instead. This would provide a permanent place that would eventually pay for itself. After contacting "the powers that be" at Bear Valley ( the congregation that oversees the Tz2000 mission work), I was just given permission to build on land behind the preaching school here in Kisongo. I am so blessed that they believe in this work! So...what am I going to build? I came in contact with something called "cob" a few years ago. It is a mixture of straw, sand, clay (Kisongo has a high clay content in the dirt), and stone. Here is a picture. The library will look similar.      Isn't it just lovely? This house has thr

An Observation

                                                                      An Observation      Recently, Lindsey was hired by World Bible School to hand out lessons and see that they are graded. She thought that stopping by the Arusha Library she might be able to find a few English speaking people with whom she could conduct a bible study. The library is about 30 minutes from our house and in the middle of town.      You can not see it, but it has a downstairs area where the children's section is located. (This picture was not taken by me)       Lindsey asked that I accompany her and I agreed. For those of you who do not have a twin, you have missed out on several things in life: 1 . Someone in your own family that's your exact age.   2 . A partner in life, someone you can ask " How do you see...*name a situation   or happening*...?" and get their opinion and outlook. 3 . Someone whose nearly always (as in the paragraph above) is willing to accompany you