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Showing posts from June, 2016

Isaya and His Desire to be a Doctor

This is Isaya (in America we would say Isaiah). He is 20 years old,  the son of Fred Bwile, a graduate of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching and he wants to become a doctor. He is an active member of the congregation that his father preaches for, often times teaching bible study. His family lives in Kenya where there are only 0.2 physicians per 1,000 people (2011-2015) compared to the 2.5 in America (2011). Teaching bible study. Mr. Fred contacted me a few days ago, saying that Isaya had completed his secondary education (high school) but that they didn't have the funds to send him to college. He said it would cost $240 per year. Correction: I was informed today that that number is not correct. It will actually cost $2,400 per year. I told him I would try and raise what I could. but that that was a lot more money than we both had originally thought. I know the Lord will provide if it is His will.  That's almost 4x less than what it costs to...

A Library Can Help Spread the Gospel?

   "Go, stand in the temple courts," he said "and tell the people about this new life." (Acts 5:20) Peter and several of the other apostles were put in prison for speaking about the gospel and as an angel let them free in the night, he told them to go to the temple courts. Where was the best place to reach those of the Jewish faith? The temple of course. And Peter had been entrusted to take the gospel to the Jews (Gal. 2:7). What does that mean to us today? We need to position ourselves in locations where we can be the most effective. Or maybe we need to create such places.  You know, I've had people say " a library?" like "That's cool and all, but we want to support a work that will convert souls, not keep kids in school." And I can understand why they might think that, after all libraries are not viewed as places that can aid in the spread of the gospel. Tanzanians view education as one of the only ways they can better themselves...