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Isaya and His Desire to be a Doctor

This is Isaya (in America we would say Isaiah). He is 20 years old,  the son of Fred Bwile, a graduate of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching and he wants to become a doctor. He is an active member of the congregation that his father preaches for, often times teaching bible study. His family lives in Kenya where there are only 0.2 physicians per 1,000 people (2011-2015) compared to the 2.5 in America (2011).

Teaching bible study.
Mr. Fred contacted me a few days ago, saying that Isaya had completed his secondary education (high school) but that they didn't have the funds to send him to college. He said it would cost $240 per year. Correction: I was informed today that that number is not correct. It will actually cost $2,400 per year. I told him I would try and raise what I could. but that that was a lot more money than we both had originally thought. I know the Lord will provide if it is His will. 

That's almost 4x less than what it costs to go to college here in the states ($9,410 per year for state residents at public colleges). I'm a firm believer in education and that is why I'm writing this piece.  If I can raise the money, he will start medical school in September. If I could just get 240 people to give $10, we'd have it! Let's help this young Christian man so that he can doctor both the flesh and the spirit.

The Sunset Church of Christ in Bowie, Tx sponsors Mr. Fred and has graciously agreed to receive  the money and take it with them when they leave for Kenya the week of the 19th. That means that if you wish to contribute, it really needs to be sent either this weekend or Monday. I have however been told that as long as I know the money is being sent, the Sunset congregation will fill the gap of what has not arrived in the mail yet. If you would like to send a check you can make it out to the Sunset Church of Christ and send it to:
David Hall
706 Lee St.
Bowie, Tx  76230

If you plan to send money, please let me know the amount so that I can keep track of how much is raised. God bless you all and thank you!

His family. 
An update and recap : I am on top of the world! Over the last week, $200 was raised for Isaya, the young man in Kenya who wishes to be a doctor. I can't thank those that gave enough! Earlier today, while Adam and I were out in town, I received a call from David Hall. The preacher and an elder at the Sunset congregation, he will be traveling to Kenya with several others to work with Isaya's father Fred Bwile and as they had agreed to take whatever money was raised with them. Well, in light of the fact that I hadn't had a whole lot of time to raise the funds, they decided to donate the remaining amount ($2,200) even though they are a small congregation and support Fred on a monthly basis. I am so happy that this young man is going to get to start school. Adam and I are going to start trying in the next few months to see that his next year of schooling is paid as well. We'll have a good year to get it together! If any of you are interested in helping with that, let me know. Kenya needs more doctors and what's better than a doctor that can help heal the physical and spiritual?

Isaya is finishing up his first year! Take a look here to find out more. God bless!


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