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Potter Children's Home

   What a wonderful season Christmas is. Pretty lights, the scent of pine trees, delicious goodies and time with family!

You want to hear a funny story? Adam has needed a new office chair for quite some time. Recently, I sat down on it with him and crack! I broke it. The poor thing would lean to one side when you sat on it.  So, I bought him the exact same one, brand new, for Christmas. It arrived today and I secretly began trying to put it together in the laundry room. After about two hours, I gave up. I decided to let him have it early so he could help me finish putting the pieces together (smart, huh).

Well, he gets to looking at it and discovers I've placed the armrests on the wrong sides. Fix that, everything else goes in place. Ta-da! All finished. Get it into the office and it won't tilt back. Adam fiddles with the chair, sits back down, and almost falls face forward because it's leaning the wrong way! We had a good laugh over it. But I've learned my lesson. Don't ever ask me to put anything together. I'm not as good as I thought I was.
Almost  two weeks ago Bryon Henbest, from Potter Children's Home and Family Ministries, came with a huge van and U-haul and picked up both the gifts we had collected and all the clothes in the church closet. The night before, Adam and I started putting everything in bags and it was taking far longer than we thought. So many clothes! After about 2 racks we found a system that worked; Adam took them off the hangers and I bagged. Bryon spoke during the bible class hour. Potter's is doing such a good work there in Kentucky. The world is an awful place, and it seems that children suffer the most. They provide homes for single moms, allowing them to either finish school or go back to school, get back on their feet and hopefully win them to Christ while they are there. Potter does not work for the State and does not receive state funding (which allows them to make their own rules) but agencies know about their ministry and refer kids to them. They rely on donations and their thrift-shop to support the kids and single moms.

We sent Bryon on his way, only to have him return. The following morning, on his way out of town (and to another location to pick up stuff donated) he got pulled over and fined $550. They considered him a trucker because his car and u-haul combined weighed enough and because he was not certified, didn't have a truckers log, and was not approved by his doctor to drive. "Been doing this 22 years and have never had this happen" Bryon said. Needless to say, he spent the day with us, trying to acquire a truckers log. Adam talked with the elders here and this past Sunday we gathered up a special collection to cover the unexpected cost that Potter encountered. We may be a small congregation, but when we all get together, we sure can do a lot!

May you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Until Next Time,
The Rymons


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