Deuteronomy 15:11- For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you "You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land"
The night before the giveaway, several members helped us get everything in order. The foyer furniture was moved to make room for the racks of clothing. Tables were set up for odds and ends like belts and gloves and for the peanut butter and jelly.
We had about 20 members sign up to be there the day of the giveaway; We arrived at the church building 30 minutes before starting time, cause you know, there's always last minute things that need taken care of. Two large signs that said " FREE CLOTHES" were put out by the near-by highway and "Exit" and "Enter" signs were put out in the parking lot. 9:00am came and we had people coming through the door! I don't think there was more than 5 minutes before someone would come in after we'd had someone leave. There always seemed to be someone sorting through the racks and filling up a brown paper grocery bag.
Lunch rolled around and since everyone had bought a dish, we enjoy a hearty meal.
All in all, we were able to help 18 families and give away 34 bags of clothing and food . There were also three that signed up to receive a bible correspondence course. All those hangers in the picture? We are happy to say that they need more clothes on them!
We had a great time together, as one of our elders said " Helping the community has been great, but my favorite part was the fellowship that we had with one another" 4 straight hours of work, laughter, and good times with the brethren. And you know, that's what it's all about.
We have another clothing giveaway planned in November (with an emphasis on winter clothing as the season approaches) and I promise, I'll remember to take pictures (I want to kick myself for forgetting :P).
Until Then,
Adam, Abigail and Jubilee Rymon
That is awesome. So happy to hear you guys had three to want a correspondence Bible Study.