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Reaching Out

Hello from Pa!

We had another great clothing giveaway on November 7th. The congregation really stepped up and we had even more clothes to give out to the community this time. It was a good thing too, because a friend of a family who lost their home to a fire stopped by and gathered up 12-15 bags of clothes and food. That brought our total to 75 bags of clothing and food given out and 18 families aided.

We also had a member bring a bunch of books she no longer needed. When I saw this table, all I could think was "I need these!" Even though they were mostly children's books, there was this desire to take them all home with me. I obviously have a problem, hehe.

The helpers enjoyed a meal of sloppy joes and baked beans. We would have had a bigger turn out but one of the members needed help moving so 5 or 6 men spent all morning and some of the afternoon assisting them. All in all, it was a great day.
Picture on Right: Emily, one of Coventry's teens and Jubilee

Because this is the last giveaway of the year, it's been arranged for Potter Children's Home of Bowling Green, KY. to pick up all the clothes that didn't go and distribute to the foster kids. That will allow the clothing closet to be filled afresh each year. At one time Coventry Hills supported Potters, but financially hard times came upon us last year and we had to stop. I'm glad there is still a way to help. Byron Herbest, Potter's Annual Giving Officer, will bring a u-haul Wednesday, December 9th and will speak that night on all the good the Home is doing.

And lastly, Adam has started a Facebook page for the church. He plans to post news, updates, articles and scripture readings. Like and follow Coventry Hills!

Till next time,

The Rymon's    


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