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What an Experience!

       Wow, PTP has been really nice.  A lot of old faces and some new. To think, I may not know everyone here but they're all a part of the church of Christ. It's that wonderful bond that Christ has given us! And because we are all apart of the Church ( and I would even say, among the strong and faithful), the lessons are on a deeper level. Since we all know the stories ( accounts), we can dive into the Word- comparing this and applying that. 

        After several weeks of gathering and putting it together ( I had the hardest time getting the green lettering on the black project board to stay on) I set up my booth in the vending area. I was quite surprised to see so many others doing exactly what I'm doing. But I should have thought, " 3,000 people are coming, tons of other people will be using this great opportunity."  
     So far, in the last 5 days, the library has recieved $251, making the total of what has been donated $852. Hopefully through the many preachers that I have talked to, some congregations will get on board. Monthly donations are the most important, because without it, the library can't be opened. 

     We leave America for Tanzania in just 19 days. It has been an experience. Each furlough ( this is our third- every two and a half years) has its highlights. The moment we see our family at the airport. You see how much your younger cousins have grown and it's a bittersweet. You have missed so much but here you are with them now. The day we step foot on the red soil at Backwoods Christian Camp. Those old buildings and the dear people are one of the best sights I've ever seen. I know many other people feel the same way. Taking a chip and dipping it in white cheese at a Mexican restaurant. It tastes so good! There are many other memories I could share, but I'll stop. 

    So many good things have happened for Parker Memorial Library this summer. A supporting congregation, a man to collect the funds, a middle man for books and over 1,000 books.  I told myself " I'll just try to get 300 books" but the Lord has blessed the effort. 

    But there always comes a time when we get tired of traveling and wish to get back to Africa. There is work to do. Dreams to accomplish and goals to fulfill. Souls to save and growth to see. There is so much to do! I'll try and write before I leave- the next 19 days will be filled with packing and saying goodbyes. A sad time for sure. But we've used to it. Goodbyes are always a part of life. 

- Abigail 



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