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Well folks, it's been a while since I've written and for that I apologize. I just didn't feel like I had much to say in the progress of the library ( or my life for that matter- we traveled here, we traveled there), but now I clearly have enough. :)

Since GBN I have tried to contact several people in  many congregations, attempting to get either one-time funds or monthly support.  I've gotten some  no's and have yet to receive any donations. But I've been told that you have to get a certain number of "no's" before you can get any "yes's". 

I just spent the last  week in Montgomery. Dad was recording a class that he's teaching at Faulkner ( he's not going to be able to be there for all the semester). Me and David tagged along, hoping to get a few things done. Todd had agreed to give me some driving lessons and Robert Waggoner had told me to stop by when I got the chance and go through some books of his to see if I wanted them. 

I really enjoyed my time there, spending three of the four days at the Gus Nichols Library. I told them about my plans for a library and asked them if they might have some books that i might take back with me. I was certainly surprised when I ended up leaving Saturday with about 500 books. They were down sizing and had a ton of old ( but still good) books and I"m thrilled to have them.  I now have a total of about 900 books ( counting the books from Mark McWhorter, Robert Waggoner and Lisa Coy) 

What is it going to cost to ship 30 boxes of books? $3,000. If you would like to help with this need, you can mail a check to :

Logan Martin church of Christ, 
P.O Box 1602
3401 Martin Street S.
Pell City, AL. 35125 

I would greatly appreciate anything that you might be able to send. I would love to be able to take all these books back with me and we leave in just five weeks! 

While I was sorting through the books, I was approached by Den Itson. He wants to put an  article about the library in the next Faulkner magazine!  I was walking on air for a little while, haha. They came to take a picture of me and then got a picture of all the librarians behind a big table filling boxes with books.  It was quite exciting!  God is so good! 

Mr Itson also asked me to revise my prospectus (to include the financial needs of the library and where to send the funds) to stick  in the mail boxes of all the teachers there at Faulkner. He thinks that I might possible get some support that way. I revised the prospectus and sent him all the information about the library (the presentation, my blog, etc.) 

I'm very excited about PTP. I've never been but I've heard that it's AMAZING! I got that little PTP app on my iPad and I've already decided which lectures I'm going to. It will Lord willing open a lot of doors for the library. I've reserved a eight-foot table for the week and have put together a project board showing the Parker Memorial Library. It's black with green lettering! I'll write a post while I'm there and I'll include a picture. 

This week  ( we'll be there Sunday night through Thursday) while we are at my grandmother's  house in Cleveland I hope to get my license. It will be so nice to have that under my belt. Thanks Todd for helping me!  I'd had a few lessons from Mom and Dad but I really was able to get the feel of the car this time. I've be able to get around in Africa by myself now, even though it scares Mom and Dad to think about it :). I truly know my way around Arusha town than I do any town in the States, but I grew up there so that's expected. 

Until next time! 

- Abigail :) 


  1. Is that a standard rate for shipping? Have you considered approaching a private shipping company (FedEx, UPS, ETC.) for a drastic discount for a nonprofit library start up in a poor undereducated region? You never know when a company will want to help with that.


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