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Blocks, Rabbits and a Whole Lot of Other Stuff

Hi, All You Happy People
 For those that are my age and remember Droopy Dog off cartoon network, right? I always thought his dry humor was funny.  
  It the last two weeks, I have received two
donations that come to a total of 208 blocks!
  Help me fill this box up with bricks! With each new donation, I'll do the blocks in a different color and put your name on them! I was told a round figure concerning how much each block was going to cost, and I'm happy to report that they only cost .95 instead of $1.50.

The 1,040 ft. wall is going to take an estimated 8,400 blocks. At .95 each, that's $7,980. A lot more than I thought, but I know that if it's the Lord's will, the money will be provided. If you are interested, you might consider not spending that extra .95 when you're out and about each day for a month and voila...30 blocks for just $28!

I was floored when I changed the 27,947,062tsh figure that the constructor gave me to dollars. Over $17,000 to build the wall and pay for all the materials!! All I can say is " Somebody's trying to bamboozle this young white girl!" In Tanzania, the average person makes $70
 a month. They wanted me to pay a total of $3,315 for 5 men to do two months of labor. That's approx. $330 a month for each man.

Let's just say I'll be checking with several more constructors, hehe.

For those unaware my twin sister had planed to raise rabbits and tilapia, but because of several different things Lindsey has handed over her project to me.
  I had wanted to raise rabbits for the library to have a little extra income but I wasn't going to start at this point. But because of this change of events, I get to ! I went to town Thursday and got the wire, and have spent pretty much all my spare time the last few days building them.
All-wire cages are the easiest to build and I really have enjoyed putting them together. Except for all the scratches I received from foolishly getting soft flesh too close to the sharp metal. That wasn't pleasant, haha.
As you can see, I had several little helpers.
 Two cages are already built. The one on top is a little smaller. I figured the buck doesn't need as much room as the doe, since she'll have her kits with her for several weeks at different times.
 I'm almost finished with a third. It just needs a top. I plan on having 4 cages; four does and one buck.
In order to feed the rabbits, I am starting a garden...
 I hope to plant soy beans, spinach, pigeon peas and mchica ( a Tanzanian green that's a whole lot like turnip greens).
This is a picture of my sweet potatoes that will sprout in a few weeks

 The instructions said that one sweet potato cutting can produce up to 50 sprouts.
I also plan to plant Moringa and Jacaranda trees at the library, right after the wall is erected.
This is the Jacaranda tree that was purchased  several weeks ago. When they bloom, it's the most beautiful sight. They have lovely purple flowers.
I am trilled to tell you that PML has been promised $1,000 from the Northern Lights congregation in Alaska! They also said that as they see the library progress, they might consider supporting PML monthly.
But that wasn't the only donation in the last two weeks. A  congregation in Huntingdon, TN is sending $500!
That brings us up to $6,500.
Well, that's it for this week.....
Life is all about who you serve. Live like that!
Abigail Gee


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