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My Next Step


     It has been a looooong Sunday and thankfully, it's almost over. I had set my alarm clock, but when it rang at 6am, I thought " Just a few more minutes" and fell back asleep. So, my day didn't start early. It definitely made for a more hectic morning; I swapped breakfast for sleep.

     My topic today in the children's class was " Peter's Sermon and Pentecost". Surprisingly, that was what Dad's sermon was on. I thought it was great that the children got to hear it one more time!

     Yesterday, Mr. Stafford and I drove down to the area where the Parker Memorial Library will be built and talked about the plans. The land that the library will be built on is the empty right bottom corner.

   So, you must be wondering, what is my next step?

                            PUT IT IN CEMENT!  

      The next step is to build a concrete block wall (very important in Tanzania) to surround the library.  Each cement block costs about $1.50.  How many would you like to buy?  (Remember the salesman's approach...don't ask if someone WANTS to buy one, ask HOW MANY!  ha/ha)

      For a $15.00 you can purchase 10 blocks for this wall.  However, you may send any amount you wish. On the memo line of your check please write: cement blocks (PML) and send it to:

  Logan Martin church of Christ
  P.O. Box 1602
  3401 Martin St. S
  Pell City, AL   35125

*******On the outside of the envelope please indicate:  TANZANIAN LIBRARY FUND

     I would be most grateful to any who decide to help.  No great work is ever done alone!  May the Lord bless you for your interest in this project which is designed to help the Tanzanian people both academically and most importantly, spiritually!

    Tomorrow, I will go back and measure to figure out just how long this wall needs to be (it's wider then one acre, but I'm not sure just how much wider). As the wall is being built, (hopefully it won't take more than a few weeks, but Africa is Africa) I plan to bring in the cob experts. They will look at the land and my plans and give an estimate on the cost to build the library.

    Last week the men of the Kisongo congregation met and discussed the possibility of the library being opened there. I asked one of the main men if I should hang around, in case they had questions but he just shook his head and said " I do not think so." But they ended up having a question about how much space the bookshelves would take up, so their decision was postponed. Hopefully I'll hear next Sunday. This Sunday they didn't have a meeting :(. 

Never less, we move forward!         

Have a Blessed Week,

Abigail Gee
From now on, to make it easier on me, I'm just going to refer to Parker Memorial Library as PML.

The Grey Crown Cane ( picture courtesy: Steven Akin) 


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