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A Continuation of New Arrivals- Tanzania Christian Camp :)


                                             One of the Best Weeks in the Year

Mr Thompson holding Matthew at church
He was the coordinator for camp!


Abby Gaines, John Tyler Rice, Candace, Heather and Me
Love you guys!

I told him that this was going on the internet but he said he didn't care LOL

Stuart leading a song. So proud of the young man he is becoming!

You remember Lazaro? This is him holding a bible study with a young lady.

Anita Hochdorf was our group's ( Twiga= Giraffe) teacher.
I was encouraged greatly!
Nearly everyday we met for class in this small room.
We were supposed to be up on the roof, but it rained a lot that week and was cold.
Sayuni, Levi Gaines, and Candace one afternoon
Sion modeling this year's T- shirt
 John Rice, Naomi, Lindsey and Elijah on Talent Night 
Lindsey singing an edited "Long Black Veil"

Abby, Candace, Happiness and Heather singing Westlife's "If I Let You Go." They did such a great job!


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