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A New Year



                           Happy New Year! ( a little late, but maybe it still counts)

                                                      Can it really be 2014?
                                            Seems like I just got back to Africa.
                 Feels like it was just a few weeks ago I was eating good ole Taco Bell.

                                          But the calendar says it is, so I guess it is. :)
                                                       2013 sure went by fast.

            The Stafford's ( the director of this work and his wife) hosted a late night party. I must admit that I  filled up on a bunch of junk but it sure did taste good. We returned home and I stayed up till midnight talking to a friend. Not a bad way to end the old year and begin a new if you ask me.

                                    I hope everyone else enjoyed the holidays!


     The rabbits are well. I've got them on a nice little schedule. They are feed twice a day; on a diet of mainly pellets and greens and their cages are cleaned out once a week. Here is a picture of the finished roof :


After looking at my presentation a little closer, I've realized that there is a lot that could be changed for the better ( not only the old information). This week, I ( and a gentleman by the name of Adam Rymon) will be working on improving it sufficiently. Adam has graciously given of his time (and his voice) to help this project.

I also hope to resume my bible studies with a young lady named Rahabu ("Rahab" in English). Around the end of December we got together and studied on the unity and the authenticity of the Bible. She said that she believed the Book was from God, but I still thought she could gain a lot from it.  She traveled to her home for the holidays ( she attends St. Josephs University here in Kisongo but her family lives about 45 minutes away.) the next day but said she would be back this week.    



Mount Meru 

May we live this New Year as Servants of the Most High. 


P.s. There should be a little bit more to report on in about a week :) 


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