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Our Wedding, Our Two Weeks of Evangelism and Our Future Plans

My wonderful man and I 


            With our wedding, honeymoon, and our traveling ( plus jetlag) are over, it's time to get back to writing and keeping my wonderful supporters and those interested updated. As you have probably noticed, the name of the blog has changed. From time to time, Adam may also write and let you see things from his perspective.

            While I had reservations at first about doing our wedding in Africa, I couldn't be happier with the way things turned out. It was the perfect day. Here are some of my favorite pictures that our AMAZING photographer, Tiffany Gaines, took:

Adam's first look
The ceremony

My family ( minus my oldest brother and sister-in-law) 
Lindsey and I  

All my sisters 

         We took a very quick honeymoon over the weekend and began evangelizing on Monday.We did 24 bible studies over the course of a week. I purely enjoyed myself. Every day I (with my wonderful translator Janet) met with Matilda, a lady in her late twenties or early thirties. Sadly, she had been born with a birth defect that caused her feet to be too small for her to walk on, so that she walks (or supports herself above the ground) with crutches. Matilda had been studied with before, and had been through 7 of the 12 bible correspondence lessons. She was very attentive and asked more questions than most (I have always loved it when the other person opens up, and is inquisitive). After a day or two, it became clear Matilda knew all that she needed to know to obey. Even though we reminded her that life is uncertain more than once, to my knowledge, she is still lost. Please pray that Matilda makes the decision to obey the call that Jesus gives to everyone.  

     Adam had the wonderful opportunity to meet with Alex and Jatanda, two men from Dar Es Salaam that posses extensive knowledge of how the TZ2000 team can establish a radio station in the middle of Arusha. With the popularity of the radio in Tanzania, a station focused on spreading the Word of God should impact MANY!

Adam, with his translator Gasper ( the man in black), conducting a study.  

Janet, myself and Matilda 

Mount Meru 
Two more young ladies that we studied with, Jennifer and Happy. 
Adam teaching how "Jesus is Our Everything" for mid-week bible study.

A house, in the middle of a corn field. 

A little boy that let me take a picture of him :) 

Adam, presenting a short lesson in chapel, encouraging the preachers to stay strong.
Adam and I at my parent's going away party.
     So many times, we (and I most definitely include myself here) think we HAVE to have a baptism to prove
we have been successful in our evangelism. However that's not the case. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 1:17 that "For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect." We know that whether the people are baptized in the future or not, God's word still impacts the world for good.

     We both want to say " thank you" for all the prayers, words of encouragement and money that so many people sent our way. The kindness that has been shown us has been very uplifting!

     Our plans are to leave Coventry, PA at the end of July to begin traveling for funds, and hope to fly back to Tanzania on the 1st of December.

                                          Till next time,

                                                          The Rymon's


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