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Free and Even Better Than We Hoped

     As we were preparing for PTP, we had hoped to have a small booklet of a combination of Paul's writings printed and bound to present to people that were interested in the work as a means of convincing them that we were capable of doing so. We contacted Logan Martin to extract some funds from the bank account to purchase a paper cutter. Low and behold, a gentleman at the congregation here knew of a paper cutter that we might have for free. It took him a little time to check into it, which resulted in our inability to produce the booklet, but the paper cutter is FAR better then anything we could have afforded and was FREE! We'll be able to use it here while we are in America and then be taking it to Africa when we return. It sure does look like a weird contraption! It weighs a few hundred pounds and is sitting on our dining room floor for now.

     We also were given a foil stamper (for book titles- on hardcovers) and a Card-It, which enables us to affix business cards to anything! Forgive me if ya'll all know what these things do. I had to be informed by Adam :) Haha!

     Have a great day!
 The Rymons


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