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Continuing On with Isaya


     Spring is here! And it is time to give you an update on Isaya, the young Kenyan, who through the help of  many wonderful Christian brethren has been able to attend medical school. He starts the second semester of his first year today. (For more info, read this post.)

     To start, a letter from Isaya: "Dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, I take this precious time to write this page to inform you on how I'm doing in medical school.

     First I thank God for his continuing mercies and blessings in our Christian life. I have learned to appreciate His divine design for the universe and the human body. 

     For the time I've been in school, understanding the working system of the body, brains, growth, and repair of bones and cell and the precious fluid blood!! I have no words to speak. No human brain can combine ( I think he meant "comprehend") such a unique organisation. Job says in Job 40:4,"Behold, I am vile, how shall I answer you? I lay my hand over my mouth." The preacher says in Eccl. 6:12, "For who knows what is good for man in life all the days of his vain life which he passes like a shadow? Who can tell a man what will happen after him under the sun?" 

     A stay in the medical school only brings you closer mighty perfect design of God.  I enjoy so much to get a better understanding of the scriptures through practical observations of the beginning of life, the struggles of life through disease processes and the absolute difficult death process. Seeing how beautiful life begins during birth and what follows next are only but struggles and finally death to devout Christian translates to the necessity of Mark 16:16, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned" but to others who do not know God is proof of vanity of life leading indulgence to alcoholism and other worldly pleasures leading to their own destruction. 

     It is my desire that this course as a Clinical officer will strengthen my faith in Christ and God. I would like to use my skills and knowledge to help humanity, to help brethren as much as I can physically and spiritually. I believe this is my purpose in life. Job 40:2, "Shall one who contends with the Almighty correct Him?"  

     I say thank you so much for being besides me to accomplish all that my heart desires. May God bless you so much. May the Lord's grace be with you all. 

Your brother in Christ,
Isaya Bwile"

     Isaya and I keep in contact via Facebook. One time we even facetimed/skyped and he took me on a tour of the school. He lives off campus (it's cheaper) and he has to buy or prepare all his own food as there is no cafeteria.  

     About what he has learned: "In laboratory we had to learn on how to culture bacteria of different species on different media. So far we have covered asthma, T.B., diarrhea, HIV/AIDS, malaria, leishmaniasis, and peptic ulcer diseases. We learned their causal agents, clinical manifestation, pathological effects, treatment and management."  When he first came in contact with a human cadaver: "1st day of meeting cadaver I was shocked and tense but later on gained courage after the lecturer bisected it, touched various organs and confirm that the cadaver was treated and is free rendered from any bacterial infections."      

     His second year is fast approaching. He is in need of $2,400 (just like last year).  I hope to have the money raised by end of July, as it will be needed in August. If you wish to help him continue his journey to becoming a doctor, you can make a check out to the Sunset Church of Christ and send it to : 

David Hall

706 Lee St. 
Bowie Tx. 76230 

     Any amount is greatly appreciated. For those that gave in the past and those that have already pledged money for this year, I can not thank you enough. These days I understand more fully just how much good works depend on people like you. The work my parents did in Tanzania would never have been possible had in not been for loyal supporters that worked hard for their money and then gave back to the Lord for His work. Let us work together to save souls and change lives.  

   Update: $1,422 has been raised thus far for his second year! To God   be the glory!

Until All Have Heard,

The Rymons

P.s. For those that aren't on Facebook, we welcomed a second daughter on March 20th. Lydia Brooke weighed 8.5 pounds, and was 20 inches long. She is a content baby and a delight. Big sister Jubilee is quite smitten with her. 


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