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Showing posts from 2014

Free and Even Better Than We Hoped

                         As we were preparing for PTP, we had hoped to have a small booklet of a combination of Paul's writings printed and bound to present to people that were interested in the work as a means of convincing them that we were capable of doing so. We contacted Logan Martin to extract some funds from the bank account to purchase a paper cutter. Low and behold, a gentleman at the congregation here knew of a paper cutter that we might have for free. It took him a little time to check into it, which resulted in our inability to produce the booklet, but the paper cutter is FAR better then anything we could have afforded and was FREE! We'll be able to use it here while we are in America and then be taking it to Africa when we return. It sure does look like a weird contraption! It weighs a few hundred pounds and is sitting on our dining room floor for now.      We also were given a foil stamper ...


                                                    We had a great time at Polishing the Pulpit this year in Sevierville, TN.  A big thanks is extended towards the Bradd family for allowing us to stay in their lovely rented cabin. Their five boys all have names beginning with the letter "A" so we fit in real well. Ha/ha.            We set up a table, and a donation box like last year saying " What's a dollar? Help send books to Africa." Adam and I talked with several individuals who advised us concerning purchasing items for the library in order to make the best use of the money. Over the next week or so, Adam will be writing a few posts to inform you about these ideas! Also about 10 men said they would spread the news about the library in order to help us raise the needed funds.           ...

Something Unexpected

                                            Hehe...shortly after I wrote the last entry, Adam and I found out that I am expecting. A little Rymon will be joining us in early February. It has changed our plans for certain, but we both are excited! A wonderful gift from God. I was told by a lady here at church that it's a boy...I guess we'll see in about 6 weeks!!    Many people wondered if we would have the baby here in America. Yes. Our plan is to remain in Pennsylvania till after the birth, and then begin traveling for support. I have to admit, when I first found out, I didn't like that it pushed getting back to Africa further down the road. But after more thought, this actually seems like one of the best things that could have happened. $30,000 isn't easy to raise. With God and this extra time, I know it can be done! Polishing the Pulpit is just aro...

Our Wedding, Our Two Weeks of Evangelism and Our Future Plans

My wonderful man and I  Greetings!             With our wedding, honeymoon, and our traveling ( plus jetlag) are over, it's time to get back to writing and keeping my wonderful supporters and those interested updated. As you have probably noticed, the name of the blog has changed. From time to time, Adam may also write and let you see things from his perspective.             While I had reservations at first about doing our wedding in Africa, I couldn't be happier with the way things turned out. It was the perfect day. Here are some of my favorite pictures that our AMAZING photographer, Tiffany Gaines, took: Adam's first look The ceremony My family ( minus my oldest brother and sister-in-law)  Lindsey and I   All my sisters           We took a very quick honeymoon over the weekend and began evangelizing on Monday.We did 24 ...

The Lord's Providence is Amazing!

Beautiful Mount Meru                                                                         Greetings!            This post is ridiculously overdue and I ask for your forgiveness. I have been preoccupied, as you will see. While I have not been as focused on the library itself as much, what I am about to tell you is going to effect the library tremendously ! I will not go into all the details, as that would make for a very long story. I will try and just give the information that is necessary, while still making it interesting.      Back in August of last year, I met Adam Rymon at Polishing the Pulpit (a week long lectureship held in Pigeon Forge, TN). We talked for about ten minutes, basically...

A New Year

                                                                                                                 Happy New Year! ( a little late, but maybe it still counts)                                                                 Can it really be 2014?                   ...